Learn to thrive in the face of life changes.



The pain of life is unavoidable. We work hard to minimize the impacts of pain but sometime it hits us when we least expect it. Greif, heartbreak, rejection, aloneness, helplessness and injustice might be how we know it day-to-day.

  • Has the death of a loved one impacted your ability to find stability.

  • Have you been through a break-up that has you replaying the past over and over.

  • Are you going through a move and not sure where to start again.

  • Starting or ending a career and struggling to know what you really want.

  • Did you experience an injustice and struggling to reconcile your feelings and what you went through.

  • Is the structure of your family changing (birth, death, marriage, divorce, medical diagnosis) and not sure what your role is or how to navigate the change.

Struggling to feel like yourself, second guessing your life decisions and questioning your abilities can be a complication of life changes. Don’t let cultural ways of minimizing your emotional experience impact your ability to heal in a way that supports growth and empowerment through each phase of life.


I’m here to support you through life changes.

Counseling after a big life change can help you find your feet again.

Imagine that when life changes happen you are more equipped to face them head on. You are able to identify what you are feeling and leave room for both self expression and healing action. You are able to know that while you are feeling bad in the moment that it will subside and that it’s acceptable and responsible to take care of you.

What we’ll work on:

  • Examining beliefs about self care and self expression

  • Naming and understanding the painful parts

  • Developing self compassion practices to self support in times of difficult life events

  • Work on building a support framework for life changes


What others have wondered about facing life changes.

  • Sometimes we don’t feel sad or anxious about life changes. Maybe you are a doer and stay super busy. No matter how you cope, therapy can be a place to sort thoughts and feeling out. Therapy is the perfect place for anyone who is looking to deepen their understanding, learn heling tools and seek support.

  • No one likes to be ignored including your feelings. Therapy is not all about lamenting but rather a place to feel not so alone while you are processing what has happened. While your here learn the tools to attend to your needs and feelings so they don’t get stuffed down and show up 10 years road.

  • Lot’s of families don’t talk about their feelings. In some families survival needs come first like finances, food and shelter leaving emotional learning on the back burner. And in other cases maybe your caregivers never learned how to attend to feelings and emotions so they never knew how to teach you how to express or share your own. The best thing about therapy is its a great place to try new things. Your body is actually a feeling being first so the good news is you know how, you just developed a part that won’t let you. Let’s get to know those parts and let them teach us what we need to know to help you best.

More questions? Check out my FAQs page.

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